


TOHS Band Boosters

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Ralph’s will send the TOHS Band Boosters a percentage of your monthly household purchases when you link your rewards card and specify our organization as the recipient. It’s that easy!


How to Register:

  • Within a web browser, bring up the site
  • If you do not have an account, click the ‘Create an Account’ link
  • Follow the easy steps to create an online account
  • You will be instructed to go to your email inbox to confirm your account
  • After you confirm your account by clicking on the link in your email, return to
  • Log in using the ‘Sign-In’ link
  • View all your information and edit as necessary
  • Enroll/Re-enroll in the community rewards
  • Click the ‘Community Rewards’ link in the left-side column or use
  • In the search box, type "MK209" or Thousand Oaks HS Band (a box with “Thousand Oaks HS Band” will be displayed)
  • Click on “Enroll” button within the box to finish your enrollment process


No card number? No problem, use your alternate ID (phone number).

No computer? No problem, you can call Ralph’s at 1-800-443-4438.


Note: For continued support, Ralph’s requires you to re-enroll each year.

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